Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Dead Bats, Wood-Burning Stoves, and Maggie's Prayers
Now this is a funny story...First, I must remind you that we live out in the middle of nowhere. It is very unusual for us to drive anywhere, and not see some some sort of wildlife (deer, bear, wild turkeys, possums, etc.). We have many funny stories regarding various wildlife around and in our home, (like the time I was in the bathroom and there was a deer watching me right outside the bathroom window). Anyways, we have had problems with bats getting into our wood burning stove. Maggie and Madeline have been fascinated with them. Well, Rob really wasn't sure how we could get rid of them, and so every night in family devotions, Maggie has been praying, "Dear Jesus, please help you for to get the bat out of our oven, help Grandma and Grandpa to sell their house, in Jesus name amen." I was actually starting to wonder how we could get rid of the bat so we could teach Maggie more about God answering our prayers, etc. ("O ye of little faith!") Well, of course, God took care of it! One morning, on our girls usual run to the oven to look inside and say, "Hi bat!", Maggie said, "Oh no, the bat is not moving." Yes, God answered our prayer by killing the bat. We haven't gotten it out yet, so this picture is a picture of the girls' new morning routine. They run over to the glass and knock saying, "Wake up Mr. Bat!" Then, Maggie unfailingly says, "I think the bat is still dead." It has been a good chance to teach Maggie about God hearing our prayers. Now, when she prays, she always starts by thanking Jesus for hearing our prayers - something Rob and I didn't have to tell her to say! I love how the Lord delights in showing Himself to ALL of us - even our children!
I caught Rob playing dress-up with the girls on Sunday...so funny!
it is 8:30am...do you know what your house looks like?!

This is what my house looked like when I got out of the shower this morning. It was only 8:30am, and already, my kids had just about every toy they own out on the living room floor. They were playing very nicely together, so I was not about to complain. They were pretending that the living room was Madeline's house, and they were bringing things out of their rooms to decorate "it." I LOVE the fact that they are playing together, and using their imaginations more!

posted by Tfipps @ 9:01 AM  
  • At 2:11 PM, Blogger Leah (Parrish) Millan said…

    What a great story! I love the new look of your blog-- you are just so good at that stuff!

  • At 8:35 PM, Blogger carissa said…

    love the story of the bat! I'm glad it's dead....since I'm coming over tomorrow! Loved the pics of Rob playing dress-up :) hee hee. Your house looks like mine now :) It's great that they're playing together, just double the toys out :)

  • At 8:56 PM, Blogger Tracy said…

    I love your new template. Great story about the bat. Thanks for your prayers. I miss having Bible Study with you and Carissa.

  • At 7:48 AM, Blogger sarah said…

    Trisha you are so funny. I loved you post it cracked me up!! I need to come over sometime. i feel like I haven't see you guys in forever.

  • At 7:48 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said…

    I'm impressed about you being so relaxed about the 8:30AM appearance of the house! I'm slowly learning how to relax with more kids stuff in the house...definitely a different feel to the house than before kids! They are great, aren't they?!

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