Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Beautiful Weather

Maggie & Daddy on the 4-Wheeler...Madeline said it was "too loud."

"Helping" Daddy Wash the Car
This is a random picture of a deer right outside our dining room window (sorry, it's not the best picture). I wanted to show some of the "city slickers" just how comfortable the wildlife is around us!! There was also a time that a deer was looking at me through my bathroom window.
Since the weather has been so beautiful, we have been able to spend much more time outside. It has been in the 60s which, for us, means - pull out the summer clothes!!! In fact, just this week, I finally put away the girls winter clothes and got out their summer stuff. Some days are still a little cool, but I kept out one or two sweaters for each of them and some jeans. Crazy that we still need sweaters!!!
posted by Tfipps @ 4:47 PM  
  • At 6:00 PM, Blogger samantha said…

    Yes, crazy that you still need sweaters!!! Though now I think your crazy that you think 60's is warm---we would not even think of wearing anything but winter clothes with those temperatures--gotta be 80 or above for us!!!(:

  • At 8:12 PM, Blogger Leah (Parrish) Millan said…

    I remember those Northland summers--you always need a jacket handy! A little off the subject-- but have you started on Robbie's room yet? That tickler is getting close, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do-- I love your decorating ideas :)

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