Wednesday, May 09, 2007
"My Sister..."

The girls are so cute with each other (most of the time - when they're not fighting, provoking eachother, etc.). They call each other "my sister." For example, if they are wanting to sit together to watch TV, they will say, "I want to sit close to my sister." Other quotes would be, "I want to hold my sister's hand." "Come here, my sister." Very cute!! For this picture, Maggie asked me to take a picture of her and "her sister."
Not much new news here...we went to the doctor today, and everything looks right on track. He always tells me what a "boring patient" I am, which I am taking as a compliment...:)
The girls and Rob came with me today, so they were excited to hear the heartbeat again. He also said that everything looks like he will be able to induce me early, which is what we have been hoping for. With Rob's job at camp, it would be extra nice to be able to plan what day Robbie would enter this world on!!! For example, it would be very inconvenient if he decided to come on Carnival Night or Funny Time Night, since Rob runs both of those events. Well, we'll you can tell, I am not a good one for surprises!!
posted by Tfipps @ 12:20 PM  
  • At 2:04 PM, Blogger The SC Elwarts said…

    How exciting. It seems like you just announced your pregnancy. Of course, that being said, I'm not the one that's pregnant. I hope you have your bags packed. Lauren came just as I turned 35 weeks. :}

  • At 4:34 PM, Blogger samantha said…

    I'm so excited for little Robbie to arrive!! Glad you're doing well---the girls look so cute---Madeline is getting bigger--what a cutie!!

  • At 7:55 PM, Blogger carissa said…

    this will make for 3 whole comments on your post :) I have been averaging 2, so this is great.
    Thanks for your help last night. Virginia told me she thought it was funny that we both ended up with our feet/ankles up after our evening of decorating :)
    I'll talk to you tomorrow. Great post about the girls...they're super cute and sweet. You're a great mom!!

  • At 8:05 PM, Blogger Erin Neiner said…

    I have yet to experience the "surprise" rush to the hospital since I was induced with both, and I am not complaining!!! I am with you, I don't care for a surprise! For what it's worth, it makes labor go much faster!! (at least for me)

  • At 7:44 PM, Blogger Leah (Parrish) Millan said…

    Ha! You made me laugh out loud with your worries that Robbie might come on Carnival or Funny Time night :) You are a true blue program-wife :)

  • At 8:15 AM, Blogger The Owens said…

    So excited Robbie's arrival is just around the corner! Don't forget to post pics of his nursery. You always do such a cute job decorating! :)

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