Saturday, May 26, 2007
A Pregnant Picture and Other Randomness...
And now...just three weeks before my due date, I have decided to finally post a pregnant picture of myself since so many have asked...this is mostly for my relatives who have never seen me in all my pregnant-bliss! Check out those swollen ankles...and swollen everything else.
Here is Rob and Maggie at the airport before they left for their "Daddy & Maggie" get-away! Maggie was sooooo excited!!!
Off to their plane...
Carissa and I ate at the Cheesecake Factory in Milwaukee...oh, what a chore to have to take Rob and Maggie to Milwaukee with one of my closest friends and none of our kids!!! We managed to sneak some good food and shopping into our agenda for the drive back!!

posted by Tfipps @ 1:54 PM  
  • At 11:11 AM, Blogger Rohrer Family said…

    Tricia, you look just great! Only three weeks to go! I remember how I was looking forward to not having swollen feet any more...

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