Friday, May 11, 2007
Random Pictures of the Girls...
My friend, Julie Smith, took these first few pictures when she was watching the girls for me the other day. They were making brownies, and having way too much fun eating the batter! I love these pictures!!! Definite future poster prints!!!

The next couple pictures are from Wednesday night. We have three girls who ride with us every Wednesday night for church: Shannon Wesley, Genny Homontowski, and Andrea Blaha. We have so much fun with them, and Maggie & Madeline just love them. Genny and Andrea are Maggie and Madeline's teachers on Wednesday night, and they do such a good job teaching them the Bible. Shannon works with the older kids. We will miss them this summer!

Shannon & Madeline

Genny & Madeline
Genny & Maggie

The 2s-5s class on Wednesday night...a wild bunch!!

posted by Tfipps @ 12:18 PM  
  • At 12:18 PM, Blogger Matt & Nicki said…

    I love the pictures of your girls with brownie batter all over their faces--very cute. . .They look like they had a blast!! Every once in a while I have to put my "OCD" aside and let my kids enjoy being kids, which means getting dirty and messy. . .they splashed around in a puddle of water today, got soaked and had a ball! I'll take the mess and their enjoyment of it all over the two of them fighting over toys they never really play with anyway:)

  • At 7:45 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said…

    Very cute pics!!!

  • At 8:57 PM, Blogger Leah (Parrish) Millan said…

    The girls are so cute together! I loved the "my sister" post :) It will be exciting to see little Robbie in the mix!

  • At 6:29 AM, Blogger Erin Neiner said…

    I LOVE the brownie pics!! I love the one of them both licking the spoon! So cute!!! I saw one pregnant momma in the background of one of those pictures!!! Times a comin'!! Will be praying for you with timing, saftey, etc.!!!

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